
What is vedic astrology calculator
What is vedic astrology calculator


If you are an astrologer and know how to run a chart, you create a birth chart for a person using the longitude and latitude of the new location. In the United States you could easily end up with three rising signs for different parts of the country and people who relocate half-way around the world from India may seriously alter their rising sign. Without looking at the chart with a new possible rising sign, the interpretation of the lines on the map is also off. The other major problem with Western astro-locality is that they do not re-run the new chart for a new place but keep the original time of birth the same. The other problem is that just 10–15 minutes off in the birth time can move lines miles away. of the World or a country) for the birth date and time, that indicate where different planetary influences are active. The most common method used today is called Astro*Carto*Graphy, which draws lines on a map (e.g. While I deeply respect Western astrology the problem with Western astro-locality is difference between the tropical zodiac and the sidereal zodiac based on fixed stars and this is 23 degrees and throws off the astro-mapping lines that one may get from getting a Western astrological map. So you can shift your life by moving but some things will work better and others may not. My spiritual teaching with Jupiter in the 9 th moved back to Jupiter in the 8 th where I became more obsessed with astrological teaching and readings.

what is vedic astrology calculator

Because of the health issues, I moved back to the Midwest and became healthier, my relationship returned to normal, and I became less of a workaholic. Jupiter moved from my 8 th house into my 9 th house where my connection to my Guru flourished and I was actively involved all the time in spiritual teaching. The exchange of houses (parivartana yoga) between Venus in Capricorn and Saturn in Libra (moved from the 3/12 th to the 1 st and 4 th house) and was beneficial for success in real estate and home remodeling and artistic development and interior decorating, which became a new hobby for me for 15 years. Saturn moved in the 1 st house from the 12th, and even though an exalted yoga karaka planet for Libra, it was creating health problems in the 1st, severe workaholism (aspecting the 10tH), and relationship problems.

what is vedic astrology calculator

Suddenly, the lights flashed in my life and I understood what had happened. While I was lecturing at an astrology conference in London in 2011, Andrew Foss pointed out to me that my move probably had shifted my rising sign from Scorpio to Libra and when we ran the astro-locality program on his Vedic software, Sri Jyoti Star, indeed I had gone from Scorpio 7 degrees to Libra 20 degrees and the move put exalted Saturn in the 1 st house about 7 degrees from my ascendant. These were all new developments for me and not connected to changes in my dasha period or other major transits. I also developed a more active interest in art and art collecting and home remodeling and redesign. I was more inward and depressed in Sedona and more reclusive.

what is vedic astrology calculator

While I had no interest in gardening or plants in the Midwest, I suddenly was buying plants, actively gardening, and eventually built a 2-story atrium in my last house. On the positive side, my spiritual teaching energy went into warp speed and I was continually teaching yoga, meditation, and breath work classes all over the state. I developed health problems continually over a 10-year period requiring weekly and bi-weekly doctor visits I became more of a workaholic. Despite a steady dasha (planetary cycle) period that did not change, my life changed dramatically. The move was about 1800 miles and my life was very different in the new city. In 1997, I moved from the Midwest where I was born in Chicago to Sedona, Arizona.

What is vedic astrology calculator